Friday, May 31, 2019
Essay --
Just A nonher Chalk-lineCharacters James Enfield Detective (age 38)Lee Ames Detective (age 48)Chris Rollins Detective (age 26)Nolan Eckhart Detective (age 40) departedSettingThe scene takes place in an alleyway beside a popular bar named Edwards. There are a few police officers scattered close closing off the area. (Extras during the stage production.) They would leave the stage until the end of the act when the detectives call the coroner to take away the body. James, Lee and Chris are on the internet site of a murder. The murder in question is of one of their co-workers and friend Nolan Eckhart. They are standing around the body of Nolan James is kneeling down actually checking on the body. The alley is empty with the exception of the body and a small pile of garbage from the bar. Act One Scene One(James is a adult male nearing forty. His build is average he has light skin and dark hair. He is sensible and caring enough for his partners. Hes dismayed that Nolan has been ki lled. They were close friends in the office.Lee has been around for a epoch nearing his fifties he has been working on the force for twenty years. He is experienced but tired. Nolans remainder is not easy on him either, though he wont show it. Hes a larger man than James, with a endorsement of a round gut and his head is affixed with greying and balding hair. Chris is the youngest of the trio he is the newest member in their office having been transferred from another precinct. He shows promise to be a great detective, in his first few cases in their precinct he has already impressed the chief and was rewarded a raise to his salary. He is more respectable than the other two and his brown hair is cut professionally short.) James DamnI lock up cant ge... ... Lee, he may not be as useful as he used to be out here in the field, but in the office he still has his purpose. Im so glad the chief and I share a similar thought process in all this. Its sooner thrilling to be able to pr actice my forensics skills just in this case its in reverse. (Notices James returning and stops speaking, leaning against the wall as if his speech moments before never occurred.)James (Returns from off-stage) Coroners on his way. The officers will watch over the scene. Were officially done for the night. Now, lets get warmed up shall we?Chris Alright then. I feel its going to be quite cold later on, better enjoy it while it lasts. (Both men leave the stage, going inside the bar for drinks. James turns to look at Nolan once last time)James (sighing ) I still cant believe Nolan is dead. Chris Lets go make you forget about it, huh.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
The Bystander Effect :: bystanderââ¬â¢s reactions
The end of this paper is to analyse how the bystander effect, the likelihood that an individual go forth intervene in an parking brake goes down as the number of bystanders increases (Olson, Breckler, Wiggins, 2008, p.482), occurs in chosen an emergency concomitant (Appendix nr1). I am going to show why and how participants deportment confirms or not that effect. There are many interactions among people witnessing an emergency spot. Behaviours of witnesses are influenced by occurring mental reactions and responses to situation. A false impression of how other people are thinking, feeling and responding (Karn, 2010,) creates a unwashed ignorance and influences bystanders behaviours. Interpretation of situation as a nonemergency is based on other bystanders reactions or their no reactions. The presence of others diminishes a feeling of personal duty (Karn, 2010). Because an emergency theme chosen for analysis contains an element of aggression I introduce now the social psych ological definition of aggression that is behaviour that is intended to injure individual physically or psychologically and a special kinds of aggression, such as a hostile aggressionharm-doing that arises out of ban emotions such as anger, frustration, or hatred (Olson and all, 2008, p. 419). I use also the GAM (General Aggression Model) theory a broad theory that conceptualizes aggression as the resoluteness of a chain of psychological impactes, including situational events, aggressive thoughts and feelings, and interpretation of the situation (Olson and all, 2008, p. 423), and frustration-aggression hypothesis, proposition that frustration always leads to some form of aggression (Olson and all, 2008, p. 425). I also take Latane and Darleys decision tree diagram that specified a series of decisions that must be made before a person will intervene in an emergency (Olson and all, 2008, p. 479). Five contrastive processes should occur for intervention to happen, such as (1) the event must be received (if an individual do not notice he/she will not help), (2) the event must be interpreted as an emergency (witnesses fail to intervene, because they do not interpret the event as an emergency), (3) a personal responsibility must be accepted (if other people are present a witness can assume that others will help), (4) an appropriate form of helper needs to be chosen, and finally (5) the action has to be implemented. If a negative response occurs at any stage of the process the bystander will not intervene. As a passenger of TAXI I observed two drivers before the emergency situation began.The Bystander Effect bystanders reactionsThe purpose of this paper is to analyse how the bystander effect, the likelihood that an individual will intervene in an emergency goes down as the number of bystanders increases (Olson, Breckler, Wiggins, 2008, p.482), occurs in chosen an emergency situation (Appendix nr1). I am going to show why and how participants behaviour con firms or not that effect. There are many interactions among people witnessing an emergency situation. Behaviours of witnesses are influenced by occurring psychological reactions and responses to situation. A false impression of how other people are thinking, feeling and responding (Karn, 2010,) creates a common ignorance and influences bystanders behaviours. Interpretation of situation as a nonemergency is based on other bystanders reactions or their no reactions. The presence of others diminishes a feeling of personal responsibility (Karn, 2010). Because an emergency case chosen for analysis contains an element of aggression I introduce now the social psychological definition of aggression that is behaviour that is intended to injure someone physically or psychologically and a special kinds of aggression, such as a hostile aggressionharm-doing that arises out of negative emotions such as anger, frustration, or hatred (Olson and all, 2008, p. 419). I use also the GAM (General Aggre ssion Model) theory a broad theory that conceptualizes aggression as the result of a chain of psychological processes, including situational events, aggressive thoughts and feelings, and interpretation of the situation (Olson and all, 2008, p. 423), and frustration-aggression hypothesis, proposition that frustration always leads to some form of aggression (Olson and all, 2008, p. 425). I also apply Latane and Darleys decision tree that specified a series of decisions that must be made before a person will intervene in an emergency (Olson and all, 2008, p. 479). Five different processes should occur for intervention to happen, such as (1) the event must be noticed (if an individual do not notice he/she will not help), (2) the event must be interpreted as an emergency (witnesses fail to intervene, because they do not interpret the event as an emergency), (3) a personal responsibility must be accepted (if other people are present a witness can assume that others will help), (4) an appr opriate form of assistance needs to be chosen, and finally (5) the action has to be implemented. If a negative response occurs at any stage of the process the bystander will not intervene. As a passenger of TAXI I observed two drivers before the emergency situation began.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
A Jack of All Trades: The Importance of Being Well-Rounded in the Workplace :: essays research papers
A JACK OF ALL TRADES The Importance of Being Well-Rounded in the WorkplaceIntroductionThere are literally hundreds of desirable traits in the workplace. Of these, one of the arguably most important is to be well- locomote in the workplace. Many skills can assist an individual in being a well-rounded employee. Oral communication skills, written communication skills, teamwork, technical foul skills, leadership skills, adaptation skills, computer skills, interpersonal skills and analytic abilities are about of the key factors to a well-rounded employee. While these skills all seem to be of equal ability to the well-rounded employee, the scope of this paper will only consider into a few of the skills preceding. Technical skills, oral communication skills and leadership skills will all be detailed in this review in an attempt to stand by you (the reader) become a well-rounded employee.Technical Skills in the WorkplaceTechnical skills are the formal name for the knowledge to perform t he task at hand. unmatched acquires technical skills by training in formal school systems or in the work environment. Experience is probably one of the most important factors in growing your technical skill in a subject. The importance of technical skills in the workplace is undeniable. Without the knowledge of the subject at hand, there is virtually no way possible to be a well-rounded person. Without technical skills you are not likely to be able to even do the job at hand. Heres a brief story for example about an individual in the workplace, and how his lack of technical skills hindered his ability to be well rounded in the workplace, and eventually cost him his job. John was a college graduate with a degree in Computer Science. He had completed his degree with a grade point average of 3.5. He began his search for a job immediately following his graduation and landed a great job in the technology field found on his merit and because of his professionalism and great communicatio n skills. However, John had very little practical knowledge that is used in the IT field. He had no past obtain beyond his degree, no industry level certifications. While his education had trained him in many different facets of computer technology, he lacked the one driving technical skill to help him determine where he would be best suited. It turns out the job that he landed was in computer networking, and when his initial review came up in 3 months, the company decided that they were going to let him go because of his lack of technical skills and because they wanted someone more experienced who actually knew how to do the job.
Group Proposal :: essays research papers
Dear Sir or MadamThank you for your most recent request for study about our company and its products. Our company was founded by Chris Griffith in 1974. Primarily for the U.S. military, doing top secret research and development. Our first consumer product is the Easy watch Remote Control.I am very excited about our new product. We are targeting a nation wide release assure of June 1st, 1999. Our new remote will make up many user friendly features such as code learn, sound activated locator, and an illuminated keypad. With code learn, you point your current remote at the basis of the easy finder and it learns the code for your TV, VCR or cable box. The sound activated locator, responds to a snap of the fingers. Upon activation a loud 80 atomic number 105 piezo horn "BEEPS", and a super bright LED flashes for visual confirmation in locating the remote. An illuminated keypad keeps you from fumbling with buttons in the dark by lighting up the keys with color coded lights.Ple ase look over enclosed material. We will start taking orders on May 1st 1999. Release date is set for June 1st 1999. Im looking forward to doing business with you in the near future.Sincerely,Chris GriffithPresident, Hawk ElectronicsTable of ContentsI.     Cover Letter     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     ivII.     Introduction     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     1A. Purpose .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .      1B. Problem      .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     1III.     Proposal.     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     2A. Solution.     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     2B. Technical Description     .     .     .     .     . &n bsp   .     .     3IV. Illustrations .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     4A. Remote Technical Description      .     .     .     .     .     4B. operating(a) Instructions     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     5V. Executive Summary      .     .     .     .     .     .     .     6VI. Conclusion & nbsp   .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     .     6II. INTRODUCTIONA. PURPOSEThis is a proposal to sell the new Easy Finder Remote Control to Circuit City, Seattle, Washington. The purpose of our product is to free the public from hours of wasted time searching for the remote control.B. PROBLEMSince Television, VCR, and other entertainment devices started offer the luxury of remote control, people have been losing them. Since then weve all been stuck with the task of trying to find them. Also many people have found it heavy to use a remote in the dark or low lit areas, such as bedrooms or bars. V. EXECUTIVE SUMMARYPeople very much misplace things like T.V. and VCR remote controls, and often spend valuable time looking for them. Here at Hawks Incorporated, we feel there is somethi ng we can do about it. By installing a sound activated locator, and a lighted display panel, weve found the answer to locating your remote. In doing this we feel youll save time, money, relieve at least a little of that every day stress.III. PROPOSALA. SOLUTIONThe people at Hawks Electronics have found a resolvent for lost remote.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Expository texts Real Gorgeous by Kaz Cook :: essays research papers
Features and rhetorical devices of non fiction text get along responses from the reader, how do they do this ? We are often bullied into doing things against our will, this could also be said of expository texts which stick to inform, instruct and explain but importantly to persuade. They use shock value to force us to look at our values, attitudes and ideologies. When devices such as statistics, personal touch, persona, quarrel and case studies are used the responses from the reader will have been deliberated by the author, Who uses these features to illicit the desired response. Looking at articles such as Real Gorgeous, The separate country crisis and Columbine it is obvious to see the many features and devices that have been carefully positioned to encourage responses in the reader.Almost all statistics do not consider the variable factors contributing to the study. When reading a text containing statistics the reader sprightlinesss they are attaining the hard facts, this however could not be further from the truth as Rod quin points out with the example of the text Manhood written by Steve Biddulph. Biddulp states One in seven boys will experience sexual assault by an large or older churl before the age of eighteen. Reading this the audience will feel outraged or sympathetic towards men, Quin however asks us to consider the rest of the facts that one in a hundred girls will experience sexual assault by an adult or older child before they reach eighteen thats five times the rate of men. While the statistics are convincing it is also the source they come from that can encourage a response from reader. They will feel the fact is more credible if it comes from a intimately known source. The Other Country Crisis by Stephen Scourfeild states that According to the potency of statistics, Australia has once of the highest rates of youth suicide Once again the reader is not seeing all of the facts, yet the source from which the statistic come from is cre dible and well known. With this in mind the readers response will still be swayed because we are taught to trust authority. The author has triumphed in encouraging the desired response.It is always more dulcet and enjoyable to read something that appears to be personal or sympathetic. Real Gorgeous by Kaz Cooke is a perfect example of manipulative language. The text encourages the reader to feel comfortable with themselves that they are fine the way they are .
Expository texts Real Gorgeous by Kaz Cook :: essays research papers
Features and rhetorical devices of non fiction text abet responses from the reader, how do they do this ? We are often bullied into doing things against our pull up stakes, this could also be said of expository texts which aim to inform, instruct and explain but importantly to persuade. They use shock value to phalanx us to look at our values, attitudes and ideologies. When devices such as statistics, personal touch, persona, language and case studies are used the responses from the reader will have been deliberated by the author, Who uses these features to illicit the desired response. Looking at articles such as Real Gorgeous, The other country crisis and Columbine it is obvious to see the many features and devices that have been carefully positioned to encourage responses in the reader.Almost all statistics do non consider the varying factors contributing to the study. When reading a text containing statistics the reader feels they are attaining the hard facts, this moreove r could not be further from the truth as Rod Quin points out with the example of the text Manhood written by Steve Biddulph. Biddulp states One in seven boys will work through sexual assault by an adult or older child before the age of eighteen. Reading this the audience will feel outraged or sympathetic towards men, Quin however asks us to consider the rest of the facts that one in a hundred girls will experience sexual assault by an adult or older child before they reach eighteen thats five times the rate of men. tour the statistics are convincing it is also the source they come from that can encourage a response from reader. They will feel the fact is more credible if it comes from a well known source. The Other Country Crisis by Stephen Scourfeild states that According to the Bureau of statistics, Australia has once of the highest rates of youth suicide Once again the reader is not seeing all of the facts, yet the source from which the statistic come from is credible and well known. With this in mind the readers response will still be swayed because we are taught to depone authority. The author has triumphed in encouraging the desired response.It is always more pleasant and enjoyable to read something that appears to be personal or sympathetic. Real Gorgeous by Kaz Cooke is a perfect example of manipulative language. The text encourages the reader to feel comfortable with themselves that they are fine the way they are .
Monday, May 27, 2019
Atlanta Home Loan – Case Study
Thank you for providing the background information of your smart set. Based on the information provided, there appears to be deficiencies in the control systems implemented within the operation. These control deficiencies were one of the main causes that allowed unintended individuals to gain unlawful control over Atlanta Home Loan. In place to veto this from happening again, it is important to identify the main issues that caused the company to fall, generate alternatives to apply in the emerging, and evaluate these alternatives to see which controls would be most valucapable to your future backup.Control System AnalysisBefore attended the EMBA, your main system of control was action and direct controls. Action controls were demonstrated in several control aras direct monitor of the acknowledgement inquiry of each contribute application close monitoring of the loan application/lead ratios and their trends to identify any irregularities receiving funds directly from the proc eeds at closing receiving brokers checks overnight at AHLs office or direct wiring of money to AHLs general account. Result controls were demonstrated through AHLs compensations to the loan officers ground on who originated the deal.Since the school started, in addition to the existing controls, you have setup remote monitoring system to keep skip of employees daily activities as well as forwarded all corporate mails to California. These are also forms of action control. Provided that Wilbur generates revenues to the company, you compensate him through commissions. This is a result control.Generally, there are four types of common controls a firm can utilize when setting up their internal control systems results, action, and personnel/cultural controls. As per the above analysis, it appears that AHL in the first place used only action and result controls and lacked the use of the personnel and cultural controls. Action controls heavily rely on your personal effort in monitoring t he behaviors of your employees it does not promote goal congruence within the firm. Result controls provide autonomy or motivation for employees to strive better as a team, however the linkage between results and actions may not always be perfect.In the field of study of AHL, action and result controls are susceptible to fraudulent acts as they are evaluated based on the observation or outcome the company they are more of reactive than proactive control systems. For example, there is a lack of monitoring of loan applications once they are past the loan officer level. In addition, there was a lack of segregation of duties within the departments of your firm.Wilbur had the use and privileges of AHL, as well, he was able to conduct human resources function at the same time have the authority to pay any office expenses. Further, signed blank checks were made easy to the company management during your absence. These are control deficiencies that are visible for staff and are easy targ ets for misappropriations.Besides several weaknesses in controls, AHL does not have a run company strategy. It is important to develop a corporate-level strategy by establishing a functional organizational structure as well as strengthen your business unit strategy by setting up a mission statement or a vision for your employees to realize.Preventing the Same Mistake from HappeningWe have place the current controls implemented at AHL, some of the controls need improvements in order to prevent the same problems from happening. AHL should to consider strengthening your action controls by implementing the electronic link up to the processors files so you can see the entire loan application process remotely instead of only checking the status at the loan officers level. In addition, separatism of duties should be enforced by having separate individual personnel handling loan applications, loan submissions, paying office expenses, human resources, approving payments, and signing check s, etc.This would contract the coordination of personnel controls which helps an organization find the right people, giving them a good working environment and the necessary resources to do their work. AHL should have a trained recruiting coach or an experienced staff to conduct the hiring and firing process. In addition, AHL should continue to establish a more effective motivational compensation plan (through its result controls) that not only rewards the outperforming staff, but also encourages synergy and goal congruence for the organization.This will be equilibrateed through the implementation of cultural controls. AHL can set company code of conducts and statements of values, create an ethical tone at the top and promote employees in thinking more socially responsible. A companys finale can unite its employees or attract new employees as they share a similar set of values. The alternative controls in place could help prevent your past mistakes and assist in hiring and rewar ding trustworthy employees.RecommendationsAction, personnel, and cultural controls are three key controls that should be in place to reduce the probability of the case events reoccurring. If you can tighten the current action controls via the help of technology or an independent monitoring system, then the loan application to leads ratio could be importantly increased as it reduces the likelihood of any loan officers privately absorbing the loan applications without reporting them to the firm.A solid action control cannot be solely performed by your (one person), so implementation of personnel controls is essential which will allow you to recruit talented and trustworthy employees that prevent theft or fraud from reoccurring. Setting a clear mission statement and company corporate governance policy will provide an overall cultural support to the company that will complement the application of action and personnel controls. I hope the above memo can be a useful guidance for you in th e future.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Lone Survivor Review
The Lone Survivor is a celluloid based on a book written by a navy Seal veteran Marcus Luttrell about a failed mission called Operation Red Wings starring Mark Wahlberg. Mark Wahlberg played the lead character Marcus Luttrell. 1The suspire of the four man team is played by Eric Bana, Taylor Kitsch, Emile Hirsch, and Ben Foster. Eric Bana is an Australian film actor who played Lieutenant Commander Erik S. Kristensen, also played Bruce banner in the HULK. Taylor Kitsch played Lieutenant Michael P.Murph the on ground leader and also played as Gambit in X-Men Origin. Emile Hirsch played Danny Dietz SEAL Team 10s communications officeholder and had roles in The Girl Next Door, Alpha Dog. Ben Foster plays Sonar Technician Matthew Axe Axelson and also played in Hostage, and X-Men The Last Stand. The Drama/war film had a R rating and had a run time of 1 hour and 21 minutes. The film had been expected to make 45. 1 million dollars at the disaster office and had a budget of 40 million.Oper ation Red Wings was a Navy Seal 10 mission on June 28th 2005. The team determined out on a clear night into the mountain outside of a Taliban village. They were then ordered to locate and terminate an Anti-Coalition leader Ahmad Shah. The movie was announced to be the best war film since Saving nonpublic Ryan The films theme was behind enemy lines and the movie went over the operation according to Marcus Luttrells story. The movie had excellent special effects and stunts.They made it seem bid you were right with them in the mission. The film had been filmed in the mountains of New Mexico, but it was to look like Hindu Kush Mountains in Afghanistan. The actors added to the experience by going through a brief military training, so they knew how to move through the field. It won four rewards so far it won Best save Film, and was places in the top ten films of the year from 2013 Las Vegas Film Critics Society Awards.It won the Best Actor in an Action Movie which had been awarded to Mark Wahlberg and Best Action Film from 19th Critics Choice Awards. It is still pending on other rewards Therefore, the In theater experience is frightening with the sound effects and picture. The film had emotional closings also because they honored the fallen soldiers and their families. The movie was short for a war film, and I felt it could have had more details and training, but I would rate this movie at a solid 7, but I would not put it over Saving Private Ryan.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
The feasibility of wind energy from strategic management perspective in Russia
1. INTRODUCTIONThis query proposal has been complied to outline how an investigation into one part of the feasibility studies for bring up energy developments are undertaken. From a strategical counseling perspective the socio-economics aspects of this shall be examined. These shall be considered by examining a depend of case studies in Russia (as an compositors case see POWER, 2013 BAREC, 1998).2. INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDYThis study shall be undertaken by critically evaluating how these assessments are currently implemented in practice. The effectiveness of these shall then be assessed by comparing them to practices adopted by other countries (see as an example Bell, Gray & Haggett, 2005 Bergmann, Hanley & Wright, 2006 Van der Horst & Toke, 2010). This could help to identify some opportunities, which may be utilised in Russia, to improve the undertaking of feasibility studies.4. PROBLEM STATEMENTIn Russia, feasibility studies are conducted to establish if deform turbine p rojects are viable (as an example see POWER, 2013 BAREC, 1998). However, a frame of practices have been adopted to undertake these to date (Devine?Wright, 2005). This research seeks to ascertain if these practices could be improved, by establishing how these assessments have been undertaken in other countries.5. RESEARCH AIMS AND OBJECTIVESIn conjunction with the problem statement higher up, the following aims have been formulatedTo usage uncommitted and relevant data, to investigate how socio-economic assessments are managed by using various management strategies (during the feasibility investigation phase of wind farm developments). To use available and relevant data, to investigate how socio-economic assessments are implemented by using various management strategies (during the feasibility investigation phase of wind farm developments). To use the findings from the above two aims make recommendations for how practices may be improved in Russia.Additionally, the following ob jectives have been developedTo evaluate how socio-economic assessments are strategically managed and implemented (during the feasibility phases of wind farm projects in Russia and other countries). To evaluate if these assessments may be improved in Russia. 6. PROPOSAL STRUCTUREThe proposed outline of the dissertation is described in the succeeding(prenominal) section.7.LITERATURE REVIEWTo date, studies have been undertaken into the development of wind farms (see as an example Bell, Gray & Haggett, 2005 Bergmann, Hanley & Wright, 2006 Van der Horst & Toke, 2010). The majority of these have been focused on developments in Europe or the United States of America. There are a few case studies, which are pertinent to these types projects in Russia (as an example see POWER, 2013 BAREC, 1998). Mainly, these case studies show that a variety of techniques are used to seek to ascertain if these developments are feasible. To ensure that this is the case a physique of assessments are unde rtaken (see as an example Bell, Gray & Haggett, 2005 Bergmann, Hanley & Wright, 2006). This helps to ensure that all(prenominal) aspect of the development and its impacts are fully considered. One assessment, which is important, seeks to evaluate the socio -economic impacts of wind farm developments (Wolsink, 2007). It is the management and implementation of these in Russia, which this study seeks to explore.This shall be achieved by examining the books from Europe or the United States of America (see as an example Bell, Gray & Haggett, 2005 Bergmann, Hanley & Wright, 2006 Van der Horst & Toke, 2010) and comparing this to the Russian case studies (as an example see POWER, 2013 BAREC, 1998). This will alter the researcher to understand how these are undertaken in a number of countries and how practices may be improved in Russia.7.3 LITERATURE REVIEW SUMMARYThe findings from this critical review shall be detailed in a summary and the research questions shall be outlined.7.4. R ESEARCH QUESTIONSProvisionally, the following research questions have been developed.How have socio-economic assessments been strategically managed (during the feasibility studies of wind farms in different countries) How have the socio-economic assessments been implemented (during the feasibility phases of wind farm developments in Russia and other countries) To date, what lessons have been learnt from one and two, and how may these be applied in Russia 7.5 regularityologyDue to the nature of this study, the research shall be based on an extensive review of the literature and case studies. Once all of these have been examined and collated a number of recommendations shall be made.7.6 RESEARCH PHILOSOPHYThe research philosophy, which has been adopted for this study is positivism. This will allow the investigation to be a critical and objective base method (Sundars, 2003).7.7 RESEARCH APPROACHThe research approach, which has chosen for this study is qualitative in nature, as it w ill be based on a literature review (Sundars, 2003). This will allow the research to explore the problem, which was outlined above, to see if any improvements may be made.7.8 RESEARCH STRATEGYThe research strategy, which has been chosen for this study is a literature review (Sundars, 2003).7.9 DATA COLLECTIONThe literature review shall be conducted by searching websites electronic journals, case studies and relevant books. Once a number of relevant sources have been identified these shall be used to collect information to investigate the research problem.7.10 DATA ANALYSISAll analyses shall be based on the literature, which is identified during the data collection phase of this study (Sundars, 2003).7.11 ACCESSAccess to this literature shall be established through searching library resources, electronic journals and websites.7.12 RELIABILITY, VALIDITY, AND GENERALISABILITYThe dependableness and validity of this research shall be ensured by only using sources of information, which are deemed to be suitable for this study. The generalizability of the findings from this study shall be limited as it will be based on secondary sources and the study findings will only be valid whilst these sources of information remain current (Sundars, 2003).7.11 ETHICAL ISSUESThere are no ethical issues which need to be considered whilst this research is being conducted.7.12 RESEARCH LIMITATIONSAs this research is based on secondary sources, the data, which is available, may limit the findings from this and as already stated as the study is based on the current situation in Russia, its findings may only be valid for a limited time.8 CONCLUSIONIn conclusion, this study shall be undertaken by seeking to identify and critically evaluate a number of secondary sources. This will enable the strategic management and implementation of socio economic analyses to be critically evaluated. The effectiveness of these in Russia shall then be assessed by comparing them to practices adopted b y other countries. because a number of recommendations may be made where this is appropriate.9 TIME CHART TasksTask LeadStartEndDuration (Days)DissertationResearcher7/06/137/15/1310 Write Up Results 7/06/137/20/1315 Write up analysis 7/21/138/01/1312 Write Recommendations 1/08/1313/08/201310 Draw Conclusions 13/08/201318/08/20135REFERENCESBAREC (1998) Conditions for the development of Wind Power in the Baltic Sea Region. Available from http// (Accessed 03/07/2013)Bell, D., Gray, T., & Haggett, C. (2005). The brotherly gap in wind farm siting decisions explanations and policy responses. Environmental political sympathies, 14(4), 460-477.Bergmann, A., Hanley, N., & Wright, R. (2006). Valuing the attributes of renewable energy investments. Energy Policy, 34(9), 1004-1014.Devine?Wright, P. (2005). Beyond NIMBYism towards an integrated framework for understanding public perceptions of wind ene rgy. Wind energy, 8(2), 125-139.POWER (2013) Perspectives of Offshore Wind Development. Available from http// (Accessed 03/07/2013).Saunders, M. (2003) Research Methods for Business Students. South Africa Pearson Education.Van der Horst, D. (2007). NIMBY or not Exploring the relevance of location and the politics of voiced opinions in renewable energy siting controversies. Energy policy, 35(5), 2705-2714.Van der Horst, D., & Toke, D. (2010). Exploring the landscape of wind farm developments local area characteristics and planning process outcomes in bucolic England. Land Use Policy, 27(2), 214-221.Wolsink, M. (2007). Planning of renewables schemes Deliberative and fair decision-making on landscape issues instead of reproachful accusations of non-cooperation. Energy policy, 35(5), 2692-2704.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Kondracke and Vidal Evaluation Essay
In the article, Dont Legalize Drugs by Morton M. Kondracke, writes on the pros and cons of the legalization of drugs in a convincing way to help the reader understand the ultimate downfall of our society if the legalization of drugs does come into effect. His convincing tone is brought together by his logical, outdoor(a) resources, and predictions from credible doctors. His use of pathos also helps the reader have a deeper understanding of the serious problems of legalizing drugs. As Kondracke states in the beginning, if the advocates of legalized drugs do have their way in that respect will also be more unpublicized fatal and maiming crashes, more job accidents, more child neglect, more of almost everything associated with substance abuse babies born habituated or retarded.. hoping to touch the hearts of the many.Kondracke uses outside resources such as Dr. Robert DuPont who is the former director of the National Institutes of Drug Abuse and his predictions to help further his ar gument and devote credibility. Not only does he share with the reader outside sources and studies, but he mentions many examples by comparing the predictions of legalizing drugs and the actual result of alcohol in America and what effects it would have on our society if alcohol has already done so much to change America. The only real flaw I see with this article is that it is honest-to-god and much in our society has changed.In the article, Drugs Case for Legalizing Marijuana by Gore Vidal, his case for the legalization of marijuana is not quite convincing enough to even call it a case. Nothing in his article seems to be believable because he uses no real statistics turn out for his own when he says, I have triedoncealmost every drug and liked none disproving the popular Fu Manchu theory that a maven whiff of opium will enslave the mind. which doesnt help his case at all seeing that he could have made up that side floor on the spot. Not only does he share no real believable ev idence, but the article is also over forty years old and things have definitely changed. The seriousness of this article is not well developed enough which gives the reader more of a laugh than deep thinking reasoning.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
America by Claude Mckay Essay
the States is a poem written by prominent Harlem Renaissance source Claude McKay. In this poem we are told about life in America through the narrators point of view. It is through the narrator experience that McKay delivers his message, America result one day lose its greatness if it continues in its evil ways. Personification and diction is used to convey this message. Personification is used to give human-like qualities to America. verbalism is used to explain how the hostility he/she experiences in America leads to the narrators ominous prediction of Americas future.Throughout the poem the verbalizer refers to America as her. By doing this Claude McKay uses personification to give America the human-like qualities of a female. This is shown in lines 1-3 Although she feeds me prick of bitterness/And sinks into my throat her tigers tooth/ stealing my jot of life. In the first part of line 1 where it says, Although she feeds me bread, this implies that America is something like a mother figure. However, the fact that America feeds the narrator bread of bitterness, bites his/her throat, and steals his/her breath of life, its obvious that America does not treat the speaker well.In line 11, it states, Darkly I gaze into the days ahead. The rallying cry darkly implies that as a result of the hostility he/she experiences the narrator has an ominous view of the future. When McKay says, her might and granite wonders there (line 12), it can be inferred that Americas global power and gorgeous land are included in the narrators dark future. Like priceless treasures sinking in the sand (line 14). This line silk hat illustrates McKays message that America will one day lose its greatness if it continues in its evil ways when you take into account the definition of the news show sinking. Sinking means to be failing in health and strength. This led me to believe that line 14 means that Americas greatness and beautiful land that we cherish so much will eventually ceas e to exist.I believe the treatment the narrator receives in America by Claude McKay, is ground on his own experience during the Harlem Renaissance. The use of personification to represent America and clever word choice allow McKay to deliver his message. This message is that America will one day lose its greatness if it continues in its evil ways.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Inland Whale Essay
Finally, In the story of petulantly, Suns Daughter is the cause of the events that enroll in the story. My assign is, The cautionary tales The Mans Wife, Butterfly Man, and Testily, Suns Daughter reveal that Native American societies and cultures depended on gar popup cohesiveness and not letting greed or personal desires take over. In The Mans Wife the man does many things that affect nature and the way of living.The man doesnt want to let his deceased wife start out in peace so he stays with her, burns off his hair, and didnt eat or sleep while he was waiting for his wife. A name that pro eves this is, He as however able to tie around her waist a rope of eagles down, and clinging to one end of it, he walked a some steps behind her all through the 132). This qua Toe proves that he insisted on being with her that he even went through and tied a rope holloa ND her. This also shows that desire has taken over and he will do anything to be with her.Not her thing that the man did was going into the dead peoples land. A ingeminate that proves this is, l must warn you that to the dead the smell Of the living is offensive, and t here will be restiveness as among them, feeling of the impropriety of your being here at all(Kookier 137). This is imp rattan because it shows that the man shouldnt be invading the home of the dead because the e dead and living should not interact with the dead. If this happens the dead is disturbed and t he balance of nature is disturbed.The man should of let go and moved on so his wifes spirit t can be in peace and the desire of his wife can go away. In the story Butterfly Man Clanswoman cant choose who to be with became use of the things she admires or that she likes. At first she was with her baby at the v illegal while her husband was gone. Then she left when not supposed to and saw a comminute a ND followed it on and on, left the baby on the bush alone never to return because of what she wanted.A quote that proves this is, Nor w as it flying at random, for its standards COUrse WA s leading her ever up and back, farther into the hills, farther from the river(Kookier 61 ). HTH s is important because it shows that her wanting that butterfly she never noticed how far SSH e was from her home and her baby. An early(a) thing she does is disobey the butterfly man whew n he said not to look up and look at the other butterflies.A quote that shows that she disobey deed the butterfly man and looked at the other butterflies is, Her eyes followed his flight and SSH e took one hand off the girdle and reached avariciously for him(Kookier 63). This quote is imports NT because when something is desired so much that they break the rule they ar suppose d to follow like not leaving their house when husbands are hunting or the one the butterfly man gave which as never to let go and look up at the other butterflies.This kind of pinch and other things may lead to jealousy and many more things. In the story Testily, Suns Daughte r the cause of the events that unroll in the story are because Of Testily, Suns Daughter. When Testily accepted Thetas proposal I Hoopla was mad. A quote that proves this is, Hoopla was angry. He grabbed Tequilas arm, shouting, Shes mine Shes mine I am older than you and she is mine (Kookier 114). T his quote is important because it shows that Hoopla being jealous he ended up pulling Test
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Medium enterprises in the society
Globalization has turned the status of the sm all told and long suit enterprises in the society. They have raised their standards to hit the target market, promoting the blood operations, perfecting their comforts, spots and images in the market. Research indicates that the correlation appears to be evident between the billet entities and efforts help to boast the opportunities and the image of these littler enterprises in the economy. The draw close has still been indicated to shift upward from the talent to assimi slowly high technological demands that are at par with the global standards at all clips of the current consumers.Walnut gild is one of these enterprises, in which the brand image is tremendously given the prestige in UK and EU hotels and motels. The restaurant has started the business further recently hardly has managed to open several come out of the closetlets in the area. The master(prenominal) branch of the conjunction is in Hathersage, while servic es of catering music and other traditional arrangements of functions and meals are provided by the club. (Walnut Club, 2008). The club provides services to all the categories and class of people and so m whatever people are cajoleed towards the club.The club deserves the resonance of the people and provides satisfaction to all its members. The club has many international clients and it has observed the movement of these clients for the sake of fame and image. b) Aims and objectives of the oeuvre To potently determine how small and medium enterprises are able to promote the regard as and brand image for higher productivity and profitability amidst the highly dynamic global competition, this study tastes to attain the several aims and objectives.To begin with, using Walnut Club as one of the most(prenominal) successful business in the group of small and medium enterprises, this paper leave seek to establish the best solicitude practices for achieving such high take aims. In this respect clear evaluation of Walnut management will be undertaken in all of its management units in UK. To add to that, the study will seek to establish the actual methods that Walnut Club and indeed other small and medium enterprises persona to promote their value and brand image. The last of the consumer is influenced by the role of the brand image of the Walnut club compared to the other clubs in the area.Finally, the study aims at finding out possible missing think in promotion of value and brand image in Walnut and conclude possible ways of enhancing and promoting the same demands in small and medium enterprises. Chapter both(prenominal) Literature review a) Introduction The overview of the chapter related to the literacy materials is given in this chapter and the brand image promotion related to the small and medium enterprises. It therefore seeks to support the main theoretical principles of reflection in line with the objectives of the study.b) Small and medium s ize businesses operations Small and medium enterprise is a term mainly utilise to categorize the size of business units depending on diametric criteria. These businesses are categorized to have the amount of having 50-250 people in the firm in the countries of europium. In Europe and particularly in EU has standardized the reference of SME while many of other countries globally use different ratings. It is worth noting that globally, SMEs form over 90% of the total number of business units in existence.In EU, about 65 million people are employed by SMEs operating in different sectors. As a comparison with larger business enterprises, SMEs have much higher flexibleness both in their internal and external operations when compared to other enterprises. Indeed, this flexibility has been linked with their increased capacity to offer highly modify services making them to easily win the consumers affection (Tsoukas and Robert, 2002, 74-76 Wren and Storey, 2002, 335-338 Ryan and Hiduke. 2003, 78-81). c) customer value in small and medium enterprisesSMEs managed over the following years to create its place in the market and compare it with the other personal operations and the management interlinks. Customer value is perhaps the most great aspect of management as it defines a business units ability to apply different aspects of management to suit for each one of the consumers demands at all times. Accel (2004) Bushe (2001, 104-105) indicate that due to the fast rising ability to apply technology at all levels of management, their role in managing consumer demands has greatly increased.The ability to respond to the consumer demands with minimal bureaucracy increases their grip on the customers loyalty. The core of the SMEs application is the due to the reduced costs and the large amount of credit owing to move in more customers to define the trend and the increment. This has particularly been important in the hospitality industry where consumers are highly sens itive not just to the size of the business unit the quantity is deferred by the size and quality. The brand is considered as one of the key pillars in determining the road map to success for the different SMEs.Creation of the effective brand helps in creating positive perception and image to the consumers and therefore generate the required competitive capability for the SMEs (Robbins, 2005 Prahalad and Ramaswamy, 2004, 103 Kennerley et al, 2003, 65-69). Though this aspect application is hard as Fox (2005, 45-48) Donegan (2002, 56-57) indicate, it is mainly based on the overall ability of the management to relate the different aspects of the business operations and the dynamic market demands.At this point, the management should be able to leverage the enterprises strengths and derive the core values for the provide and the consumers (DuBrin, 2006, 99-102 Goh, 1998, 15-22 Kuratko, 1997, 24-33 Roper and Hewitt-Dundas, 2001, 99-117). This ensures that interlinks between different prod ucts and services offered by the business unit are established. The plaque of the brand image for the SMEs is much more easier and due to the simple strategic decision making and the communications the planning and the decision becomes more easier in both ways for the organization and as well as the management.d) Culture management and transpose demands for SMEs The organization culture is very essential in the modern business operations. production line image and value is indeed considered to be part of the overall culture where interplay of management and employees views, beliefs and trends in their operations dictate the ability to effectively attract customers and maintain high quality of the services offered and customer service.Through operating as a small or medium business unit, it is possible to channelize in fewer teams and therefore create a highly cohesive unit to address all the demands for growth It is indeed much easier to cite areas with need for change and view change as part of the overall continuous demand to grow and move rapidly by assuming the names of small and medium. Business operations have recently seen a study turn in demand for diverse application of the concepts of management techniques to enhance higher levels of compatibility with the fast growth divergence needs of the consumers.The ability to enhance great levels of diversity that fits the different consumers in particularistic niches creates a competitive advantage over other alike(p) businesses. The notion is indeed very complex with the consumer demands fast evolving with time. However, SMEs have been cited to have an upper hand in their ability to assess and re-invent their products and services to fit their different consumer needs.Though in the past researchers have generated divergent views and failed to establish a standard method for promoting diversity among the SMEs, it is clear that all lines affiliated to consumer products and services design should operat e hand in hand to respond to the different consumer needs. e) SMEs and Diversity In bid to effect greater levels of diversity to attract and retain the consumers in Walnut, the management established super ingredients that gave all the foods prepared it a highly organic outlook that has made a must stop center.The general manager of Walnut Sean OToole points out that the diversity of the meals as it has come to be understood about Walnut, always have a new reach that reflects its different dishes that are served at any meal (Walnut Club, 2008). In addition, the management indicates that though consumers may not have the actual taste of the dishes served by the Walnut especially for the first visitors, the display and the setting of the restaurant have left them wishing to get back for similar diverse services.However, the management indicates that careful resources application should be articulated to ensure that capital are employed only to promote profitability (Engwall et al,2 005, 228-431 Fan and Phan, 2007, 1121-1125). f) Leadership in SMEs Leadership for small and medium business enterprises is one of the most important aspects that not only dictates the proposition of value and brand image, but determines their application at different instances. As indicated earlier, the direct notion of an enterprise as a small or medium business derives the infallible impetus to grow and move to the higher levels possible.Clifford (2008, 41-42) and Dettmer, (2003, 51-53) point out that leadership creates the necessity to improve the value of consumers and staff as a major facet that dictates the overall intrinsic image that later manifests itself to the outside community. Taking into consideration the need to stay atop of others and mainly constrained by the resources availability, leadership of SMEs seeks to enhance better highly integrated system where emergent leaders assimilate different offices with minimal proportionality effects.It is in this view that SME s leadership encourages instantaneous skills promotion that seeks relegation, innovation and creativity, and also networking that derives the necessary niche for establishing the best image for the consumers. g) SMEs and Technology demands Technological advancements have been cited as one of the most important tools for the 21st century businesses progression. However, it has been cited to be even more important to the SMEs in that it dictates their ability to widen their general scope inwardly the colonization areas of target.Presently, most of the consumers in the different countries like Britain focus their status on the basis of the image of a given business enterprise (Krake, 2005, 229-331 Merrliee, 2007, 405-409). beneath this consideration therefore, use of technology becomes a facilitating instrument and also an element for assessment. Technology as a facilitating agent is employ in advertisements that reflect effectively on the types of services and products universe of fered by the business units and therefore easy value and image assessment by the consumers.On the other hand, the nature of different advertisements forthwith curves the necessary brand image and value of the consumers. To effectively raise the overall image of the company, the managements of SMES have sought to integrate both high technology and personalized systems to invoke holistic customer satisfaction as part of the overall value in the business unit. Chapter Three Methodology a) Introduction This chapter forms one of the most important sections of a dissertation. It is the actual basis upon which the major objectives of the study and the research question will be evaluated.Johnson (2000, 54-57) points out that the methodology section acts as a major assessment tool for determining the authenticity of the research. In this case, the Walnut club management, employees, and the consumers will form the main consideration which will be used to ascertain the viability of the hypoth esis statements. To add to that, this section will offer an inclusive critique of the techniques that will be utilize in the study. The major aspects of this section will include. b) Purpose of the studyPromotion of value and brand image application in the small and medium size enterprises enables them to realize their missions and effectively trace their strategies for profitability and subsequent growth and development (Wong Ho, 2005, 155-162 Mikulecky, 2007, 45-47 National Defense University (N. D. ). 2008 Senge, 1998, 11-12). This application is reflected as a matter of different direct and indirect functions explicit in management through staff operations, perceptions, culture, and customer views.The methodology section will therefore seek to collect the major views and perception from all the stakeholders on the relationship between promotion of value and brand image of Walnut club with its enviable progress. c) Research scope and time frame As indicated earlier in the object ives of this study, the researcher will seek to establish how value and brand image can be promoted in small and medium size enterprises to raise their productivity and profitability in their major operations.Therefore, the study will delimit itself to affect the demands of this study to Walnut club in and its main branches in UK. With businesses overall value and brand image being indeed very complex, the study will further concentrate its considerations to the staff of Walnut club, and its main consumers to seek their views in relation to the objectives of the study. To effectively cover all the objectives of the study, the researcher will take a period of six months from the day of commencement for the study.Though the time appears to be long, it may turn out to be just enough or indeed much less depending with the cooperation of the respondents. d) Data and randomness collection Effective research according to Mikulecky (2007), is the one that has the highest capacity to apply the necessary theoretical framework and major demands of modern development with the actual field aspects to assimilate the necessary position for effecting growth and development. Data collection methods that are applied by the researcher indeed are the main determinant of the efficiency that will be assimilated by the study.To ensure that this research aligns with the guideline of the research questions and further steered by the objectives, the data collection methods will be designed in a manner that appreciate the nature of the research itself to assimilate the highest possible gratifying outcome. ? Primary data The data will be collected from the staff and then from the customers of the Walnut club, its members and others. The main point of the research is that on the basis of this data and the survey of the primary data conducted the data shall be the main source of information and the only link of the customers and the management.The consumers role shall also be defined by the survey conducted. Questionnaires shall be constructed and will be used for the different levels of management and the stake holders which shall be assessed in such a manner that that basic information is reserved. It is worth noting that though observation will not be used as part of the data to be analyzed by the study, it will be a key element in supporting the major views and orientation of the study in the discussion section. Secondary dataThe secondary information is required to established the initiative step of the research and to draw the result effectively of the first phase of the analysis of the survey. Though the main data counted will not be analyzed of the Walnut club, it will still serve as the major outline in the terms of promotion and the brand image in these small and medium enterprises by giving the overall view and picture of the other regions and areas globally. As a result, secondary information will be presented as a form of literature review in chapte r two and three of the main dissertation.Particularly, this literature will be assimilated from major libraries, institutions, and other related small and medium surface enterprises websites. The literature view acts upon as the major source of the view and this helps in analyzing the data carefully. e) Samples and Sample Selection Due to the size of the Walnut club in nature and categorization, the sample will be small in size and focused to Walnut and its customers only. Therefore, the samples will include the top management, the middle level managers, and the lower level Walnut employees.To ensure better and higher viability of the results, the researcher will employ strategic sampling methods to reduce the levels of bias in the main results. However, it will leave room for random sampling method to adjust or cater for different non responses. f) Measurement and analysis of the results As indicated earlier, this study is qualitative in nature as it will seek to establish how val ue and image brand can be effectively promoted among the small and medium sized enterprises for growth and development of the business unit.It is from this notion that the measurements will be developed in a format that is harmonic with the research objectives while taking into consideration of the model that will be employed during its analysis g) Limitation of the study To effectively complete the study, the researcher expects to get the following limitations. To begin with, there is a possibility of non response and late responses from different respondents. This may delay the whole study out of the expected time frame of six months.To address such problems, the researcher will schedule the questionnaires issue and interviews to start early enough during the study. Follow up will also be applied to non response and late responses. The time frame of six months that the research is expected to take is considered to be limiting in that understanding of value and brand image promotio n may require more time to intrinsically comprehend its dynamics at all levels.Indeed more time for this research could assist in inclusion and use of a larger sample and review of more literature to give more accurate results. The researcher will ensure that all the available time is utilized maximally to ensure that all aspects of the study are covered. Finally, taking into consideration that Walnut club is an extremely busy business, the researcher expects to get a hard time fixing into their programs to ensure that the study do not interfere with the normal running while maintaining the necessary research standard.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Analysis of Class, Status and Power Essay
Karl Marx and Max Weber ar among the famous theorist who make the pillar of the study of hostel. This come about in their contradict theories the conflict and Protestant ethic respectively. It is unsounded that these twain good deal lived in different eras, Marx being exposed to conditions and perspectives of the eighteen century whilst Weber dwells in the nineteen century where notice qualified changes on the fast emergence of innovative technology, and a path where contemporaneousness take its toll (the industrial revolution) (Tui, 2014). The theories of Marx and Weber were applicable in their times with regards to the type, functions and interactions existing within ships company. As follows is the discussion of their main arguments on the contrary of their perspectives on the basis of society. According to Karl Marx, society of all now is the result of social stratification and conflict. The organized economic activities and mode of production, hold ind the division of labor which causes the arrangement of two classes, the bourgeoisies and the proletariat (the rich and the poor) showing op maculation (antagonistic interaction).The proletariat ( haveing class) controlled the modes of production while the bourgeois possess the means of production (Brym & Lie, 2007). The conflict theory by Marx, argued that a position in a plenteous system is the basis of peoples conflict. The rich attained privilege of approach pathing revenue and surplus whilst the poor did not resist, entirely remained subordinate. The bourgeois in any case maintained their interest by suppressing and maintaining the subordination of the proletariat (Worsley, et al., 1970). A revolution originated on the fact that men realized how capitalist economy deprives them of self-independence and freedom. Capitalism as well as increased inequality within society and enhanced further subordination of the working class. Marx believed that in the future there will be classless societi es ( (Worsley, et al., 1970)). Therefore modern society is the result of the breakd birth of the feudal system the proletariats were being absorbed by the bourgeois to work in their factory, hence bringing society to the end of communism (Tui, 2014).But also a classless society still experienced antagonistic, a trend of dependency between these two class, that is the bourgeois depend on the manual labor and productivity of the proletariat and vice versa, for their stability and co-existence. In contrast, Weber, in his theory, the protestant ethics, believed in hard work, personal achievement and motivations. It focuses onindividual actions and most importantly an individuals knowledge and skills to bring about transformation of new society. In other spoken language people consciously making purpose at important times or junctures (Tui, 2014). People whom abided to protestant ethics and maintain the spirit of capitalism succeeded economically. He emphasized the importance of the g rowth of the service field of the economy, with its many non-manual workers and professionals. He also articulated that capitalist development was not just caused by well-to-do economic conditions but religious beliefs also plays an important role (awareness to the society of values and virtues right and wrong) of facilitating coarse capitalist growth.He argued that Marx, fails to see that people in society move improve their condition in terms of education, technology to attain a better standard of living. Weber, also showed the flaws of the Conflict theory whereby he said that a revolution is not necessarily the solution to dissatisfaction and grievances. There are medium of settle matters peacefully whereby the government is required to improve such conditions (Weber, 2005). In light of the above arguments, there is also controversy and contradiction in their discussion of class (created by eligibility and accessing to product of economy), berth (social honor or professiona l position) and magnate (the ability and opportunity to control) (Worsley, et al., 1970). According to Marx, in society, there are two discrete classes the bourgeois and the proletariat. These classes were inherited and there is nothing that can be done apart from revolution that can make the differences. The revolution would result in a classless society where the state come to own the means of production.According to Marx, whoever has a class will have a complimentary standard of status and power. For him class is the originator of all kinds of status in society and source of power. He also say that traditional status ascribed was used to acquire power such as the members of the noble family were born and autho heave to rule. This class of nobles subsequently has high social status (Brym & Lie, 2007). Weber strongly argued that class, status and power were one-third totally different categories. Status and power were achieved through ones commitment and successes. It favored t he concept of meritocracy which allows people to rise or fall to a position that matches their talent and efforts ( (Brym & Lie, 2007)). All of these were independent of each other. It is not needed of an individualor group of people in high class to have a identical level(s) of status and power. In general, class is directly related to how people have access to part of the societys resources.Class should be related to your ability to buy power or your market position (Tui, 2014). Such as a proletariat can become a very important consider in government just because of his/her qualification, oratory skills and achievement. For example a Chief Executive Officer (CEO), commissioner of police, captain. These people worked their way like every proletariat from scratch and because of their ambition and hard work they are able to become successful, even though they do not have a royal or govern backgroundAfter having compared the two theories of Karl Marx and Max Weber, the latter theo ry of protestant ethic and the spirit of capitalism by Max Weber is considered the best and useful theory to understand and explain the dynamics of my local society. Kiribati society is an example of an egalitarian society whereby people are equal and have the same rights and opportunities. The decision making process and access to governments resources and all opportunities are carried out following set up processes and procedures. Everyone is given a chance to talk for themselves or by a representative (Teitiniman, 1993). As mentioned earlier, access to opportunities are open to everyone such as position in government and non-government organization through advertisement. qualified candidates announced and a screening test is conducted to screen out best candidates.It takes ones effort, tribulation and commitment towards professional development in order to improve life conditioning, status and attainment of power for example people acquiring scholarship for higher qualificati on and to qualify a higher send with high salary in the government institution (Itaia, 1979). According to Koae (1993) and agreed by Macdonald (2001) there are existing mediums of solving any grievance and dissatisfaction. These are put up in writing to the implicated department and or are taken up to court. Communities views and perspectives are considered as a means of advancement to policing strategies such as that adopted by the Kiribati Police Services. Elections of leaders are conducted on the basis of the unexclusive vote towards candidates (Brechtefeld, 1993). As Weber highlighted, class, status and power are achieved which is correspondingly true of my Kiribati society.Peoples hard work irrespective of religious beliefs and traditional social class and status, have equal and equitable access to opportunities which determine social and economic standings in my society.BibliographyBrechtefeld, N., 1993. The Electoral System. In H. V. Trease, ed. Atoll Politics. Christchur ch Macmillan Brown Centre for Pacific Studies, pp. 43, 44, 45. Brym, R. J. & Lie, J., 2007. Sociology Your Compass for a New World. third ed. California Thomson Wadsworth. Itaia, M., 1979. Rebirth Te Mauri, Te Raoi, ao Te Tabomoa. In KIRIBATI Aspects of History. Suva Institutes of Pacific Studies, The University of the reciprocal ohm Pacific, pp. 123,124. Koae, T., 1993. Corrupt and Illegal Electoral Practices. In H. V. Trease, ed. Atoll Politics. Christchurch Macmillan Brown Centre for Pacific Studies, pp. 105-110. Macdonald, B., 2001. Cinderellas of the Empire. Suva Institute of Pacific Studies, The University of the southeasterly Pacific. Teitiniman, T., 1993. Serving the People. In H. V. Trease, ed. Atoll Politics. Christchurch Macmillan Brown Centre for Pacific Studies, pp. 343, 344, 345. Tui, R., 2014. Social Structures in Modern/Contemporary Societies. Suva s.n. Weber, M., 2005. The Protestant Ethic and The Spirit of Capitalism. New York Taylor & Francis e-Library,. Worsley , P. et al., 1970. INTRODUCING SOCIOLOGY. 1 ed. Victoria Penguin Education.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Design of Water-Based Fire Protection Systems Essay
Water extort is the energy that powers sprinkler system, so it is very important. Water flow creates pressure which generates energy that moves pissing through the pipes. flow is the measurement of pee necessary for the smooth flow of water to perform the required task. But the make off sprinkler requires much needed effort to provide improved put forward protection against postgraduate challenge tin hazards. A sprinkler gives fast response with great supply water and increases the fire suppression capability.Installation of fire sprinkler system requires certain specific construction, performance installation and operation. For e. g. the discharge coefficient of sprinkler is nominally must be inside the range of 13. 5-14. 5, where the discharge coefficient is calculated by dividing the flow of water in gallons per minute through the sprinkler by the square root of the pressure of water supplied to the sprinkler in per square inch gauge. Sprinklers were initially intentiona l to match fire with thirty-foot ceilingsIn United States, water pressure is measured in per square inch and water flow is measured in gallons per minute. The maximum water supply is depend upon number of conditions such as length of pipe, the place mere fire catch up, the amount of water pressure. The method to measure the water supply depends upon the source of water. The measuring process differs in city water systems, water from tank. Sprinklers were initially designed to control fire with thirty-foot ceilings where flammable stock such as plastics such as plastics is kept 25-foot high in racks.Whereas in some cases available water supplies is not capable of creating that much pressure required for the control of fire, then a supplementary pump can be used to increase the nub of water pressure before sprinklers. Therefore, water quantity needed for sprinkler system should be determined gibe to the suitable method so that waste should not be wasted or misused.REFRENCEReferred to sites 1. http//www. patentstorm. us/patents/6336509-description. hypertext markup language Low pressure fast response bulb sprinklers 2. http//www. extremehowto. com/xh/article. asp? article_id=60335 Designing a Sprinkler System Jess Stryker go out 3rd August 2007
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Rise and Rise of Indian Fashion Retail Industry
RISE AND RISE OF INDIAN FASHION RETAIL INDUSTRY The Indian mood retail industry has come a long way since its onset in the country. It is steady taking the shape of economy booster and has grown many folds in last decade. There atomic number 18 a number of domestic brands like Numero Uno, Satya Paul, Pantaloons, and Provogue who have seen tremendous growth since the time they arrived in the market. The commodious opportunity has also lured international players like Burberry, Louis Vuitton, Zara, WalMart to move into the Indian Fashion retail Industry.The potential in the sector is immense and it is just a matter of time before the Indian Fashion Retail Industry becomes internationally renowned. According to one estimate, more(prenominal) than 50% of the retail space in India apply by Fashion industry. Apparel and textiles together is largest among the retail sectors. Combining other path segments like jewellery, cosmetics, accessories, watches and lulu product means that po rt makes up for more than 60% of retail sector.In department stores, fashion products grudge for around 95% of the total sales. The share is 70% in the Hypermarkets. In the year 2009, the value of robe industry in India was INR 32,70,000 million. It is estimated to grow at around 11 percent and should reach INR 1,03,20,000 million by 2020. The most important factor for this steep growth and popularity of Fashion products is the huge population of our country.Also, with the rise of more and more industries there is a marked increase in the income level of people resulting in more spending power as well. People are buying fashion products more than ever before. erst the basic needs of food and shelter are met the focus shifts on trying to look and see better. There is a noticeable growth in the number of fashion retail outlets. The Indian Fashion Retail sector consists of department stores, huge shopping malls, hypermarkets, etc.In fiscal terms, the industry has fashion brands wh ich offers affordable fashion clothing and is within the purchasing power of a common man. It also has brands offering premium fashion products which are really expensive. Introduction of online retailing has added a new dimension to the fashion retail segment and will surely help to boost the sales further. The Indian Fashion has a great approaching ahead and is sure to become one the biggest Industry in the country in terms of monetary power involved. Watch out for the boom.
Friday, May 17, 2019
Impact of Economic Factors on Engagement with Pro-Environmental Measures
THE ENVIRONMENT establishmentOn most occasions, conservationist, and authorities bureaus tell us on the benefits of conserving the environment. This is be fix the universe is witnessing a series of environmental devastations, which concatenation from devastation of woods, pollution of rivers, lakes and air. People argue that it is of importee to continue the environment beca persona they play a large function in prolonging the lives of persons. For illustrations, trees help in the formation of rainf on the whole, which is an indispensable demand for agribusiness to last. Forests are natural home chiliad of living beings, and on this footing, destroying woods, go out intend the devastation of wild animate beings.This in bend will interrupt the environmental eco-system ( Brooks, 2010 ) . Despite the importance of conserving the environment, most tribe hitherto prosecute in its devastation. The grounds advanced for their engagement in destructing the environment are, poorness, po pulation exploitation, and hunt of income. This publisher identifies the grounds as to why people still prosecute in the devastation of the environment, despite the of import function that the environment plays in our society. reckon for beginnings of income/ grossSearch for beginnings of gross and income is star of the major factors that conk out to the devastation of the environment. Take for illustration embrocate geographical jaunt and shot is a factor that makes people to destruct the environment ( Tisdell, 2005 ) . Oil is an of import natural resource that all most all the economical systems of the universe demand. Oil is needed to drive the transit industry, which is indispensable for the maturation of a countrys economic system ( Leydesdorff, 2007 ) . Oil plays a large function in using 1000000s of people all over the universe, and states such as Saudi-Arabia, Qatar, Libya, etc depend on oil production to prolong their economic systems. This is because oil is the major beginning of foreign gross for these states ( Tachibana, 2000 ) . It is of import to denote that oil geographic expedition and excavation play a great function in the devastation of the environment. Oil has the capableness of destructing the lives of animate beings, and mercifulkind existences. Take for case the 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill which was responsible for leaking about 60,000 barrels of oil into the naval ( Harper and Fletcher, 2011 ) . This had an effecting of killing sea animate beings, which included mahimahis, sea polo-necks, giants, etc. This oil spill was primarily ca apply because of oil geographic expedition by BP Oil Company.The ground of these geographic expeditions was to mine oil, for commercial intents. petroleum companies are as well accused of dumping toxic oil wastes on nearby rivers and Waterss. This has a cause of fouling the environment, and destructing the lives of Marine animate beings populating in these urine systems ( Imanaka, 1997 ) . Petroleum companies are commercial companies, whose chief purpose is to deal oil merchandises for intents of doing net incomes, and grosss. Income net incomes and gross is non merely restricted to oil geographic expedition, but withal to the devastation of woods, and killing of wild animate beings. For illustration, people cut down trees for intents of acquiring wood.Wood is used to do lumber, a resource that is used to fabricate chairs, and edifice of houses ( Colson, 2011 ) . These are for commercial intents. The violent finish of wild animate beings is anyway carried out for intents of doing gaining an income, and due to poverty. For illustration, poachers normally kill elephants and rhinos for their ivories, and horns. Elephant Ivories are ever change in Asia, and are used as beauty merchandises, and for intents of doing medical specialty. The same pass ons to the horns that poachers get from rhinos.Population incrementPopulation growing is besides another factor that det ers the delivery of the environment ( Newing, 2010 ) . Because of population growing, world has been compel to look for other topographic points of abode ( Likar, 2011 ) . This will do them to unclutter and destruct woods, as a consequence taking to the devastation of trees, and break of the eco-system. As celebrated earlier, woods are home grounds of wild animate beings, and birds.Destroying woods will take to the decease of some of these animate beings, because they may non happen other home grounds. The devastation of woods is non the lone negative environmental harm that population growing causes. Due to the high figure of people, there is the overconsumption of natural resources such as H2O, oil, nutrient, and even land ( Imanaka, 1997 ) . This consequences to doing these resources scarce. scarcity of these environmental resources might take to unhealthy competition amongst people, in order to entree the resources chthonic consideration. Peoples besides emit waste merchandis es, because of their ingestion activities.This includes H2O, and air pollutants, toxic waste stuff, extra foods, and green house gases. burn out substances such as untreated sewerage may take to the devastation of an individuals wellness. other waste merchandises, such as inordinate N have an impact of doing the blooming of algals, in H2O supplies. This will take to the depletion of O, taking to the decease of marine animate beings such as fish ( Calhoun, 2005 ) . To nurse the environment by restricting the growing of the environment, states such as China have adopted the one kid policy.This is whereby all twosomes are forced to bear to give birth to merely one kid. India besides has such sort of a policy, and the chief purpose of presenting these types of policy is to cut down the population growing of persons(Environmental issues. 2010 ). There has besides been some unreal method of commanding population growing, and this includes the usage of household readiness methods ( Cha ncellor, 2009 ) . As a method of commanding the population growing in their states, authorities normally bring forward the usage of household planning methods.PovertyPoverty is besides another factor that makes people to destruct the environment. In most states of the universe, specifically in the development states, there is the devastation of croping lands, dirt and woods because of over graze. These methods are ever efficient in commanding the population of a province, and therefore protecting an environment. As the growing rate of poorness additions, people destroy the environment faster, and more rapidly. The people over use the environment, such as dirt, land and woods, because they do non hold other beginnings of income, except by utilizing the natural resources under their range ( Harper and Fletcher, 2011 ) . It is of import to denote that because of poorness, the hapless will utilize the natural resources under their range for intents of fulfilling their footing demands. This will include fetching and utilizing firewood to cook, overdriving land for inelegant production, and usage of wild make waterss and H2O for medical specialty ( Canavari and Food, 2002 ) .Poor people lack good and better instruction which rat assist them to pander good occupations and beginnings of income. On this footing, they lack the quality of life that can do them to utilize electricity for planning intents, or for other sectors of their domestic life ( Michna, 2010 ) . Electricity can assist in restricting the firewood adjoin that these people engage in. This is because persons will non depend on firewood as their beginnings of energy. To undertake poorness, the affiliate authoritiess need to regularize policies aimed making employment, and bettering the instruction system of a province. The authorities can promote the usage of their trade accomplishments in assisting the hapless to gain income ( Hambler, 2004 ) . But this should happen in a mode that is suited for the saving of the environment.To portion out with poorness, policies from the authorities are non sufficient. The authorities needs to spouse with private establishments and non-governmental organisations for intents of promoting them to educate people on the assorted ways of undertaking poorness ( Takeuchi, 2006 ) . This will be effectual because non-governmental organisations usually have an entree to the people, because of their knock off root connexions. The hapless can be educated on the importance of continuing the environment ( Graetz, 2011 ) . This will do the hapless to hold knowledge on the benefits of the environment, doing them to utilize the natural resources under their range in a sustainable method.DecisionIn decision, poorness, hunt for income, and population growing are some of the factors that come on people non to prosecute in pro-environmental steps. As discussed in this paper, due to poverty, people will seek to unsuitably utilize the environment for intents of prolonging themselves. This includes film editing of woods for intents of acquiring lumber, over-using the land resource under their ownership, for agricultural intents, and over-grazing. However, with the usage of appropriate authorities policy, it is possible to cut down the degrees of poorness within a province.Search for income is another ground for depletion of the environment, and this usually takes the signifier of geographic expeditions and excavation. This is a really hard issue to work out, because authoritiess are ever in a quandary. That is, whether to halt the geographic expeditions or whether to go on with the geographic expeditions. Stoping the geographic expedition will intend losing a beginning of gross, while go oning with the geographic expedition will intend destructing the environment. Population growing on the other manus is easy to work out. all in all that a province demands to make is to make a policy restricting the figure of kids an person can give bi rth to.MentionsBrooks, J. S. ( 2010 ) . Economic And Social Dimensions Of Environmental Behavior ReconciliationConservation And Development In Bhutan.Conservation Biology,24( 6 ) , 1499-1509.Calhoun, Y. ( 2005 ) .Conservation. Philadelphia Chelsea House Publishers.Canavari, M. , & A Food, A. ( 2002 ) .Economic surveies on nutrient, agribusiness and the environmentJoint Conference on Food, Agriculture, and the Environment, Bologna, Italy, June 12-14, 2001. Dordrecht Kluwer donnish/Plenum.Chancellor, D. ( 2009 ) .Food waste. London Wayland.Colson, M. ( 2011 ) .The environment. Chicago, Ill. Raintree.Environmental issues. ( 2010 ) . New Delhi IFA Publications.Graetz, M. J. ( 2011 ) .The terminal of energy the unmaking of America s environment, security, andindependency. Cambridge, Mass. MIT Press.Hambler, C. ( 2004 ) .Conservation. Cambridge, UK Cambridge University Press.Harper, C. L. , & A Fletcher, T. H. ( 2011 ) .Environment and society human positions onenvironmental issues( Canadian ed. ) . Toronto Pearson Canada.Imanaka, T. ( 1997 ) . Global environment. How protect and surrogate? Interaction betweenenvironment and being. two environment and organisms support on changing..Kagaku to Seibutsu,35( 3 ) , 178-181.Leydesdorff, L. ( 2007 ) . Environment and Planing B Planning and Design as a diary theinterdisciplinarity of its environment and the commendation impact.Environment and PlanningBacillus Planning and Design,34( 5 ) , 826-838.Likar, L. E. ( 2011 ) .Eco-warriors, nihilistic terrorists, and the environment. Santa Barbara,Caliph Praeger.Michna, J. ( 2010 ) .Risk commissioning on energy and enviromental preservation in CCEstates. New York Heinmman.Newing, H. ( 2010 ) . Interdisciplinary preparation in environmental preservation definitions,advancement and future waies.Environmental Conservation,37( 04 ) , 410-418.Tachibana, H. ( 2000 ) . Engineering chance for environment in 2000. Prospect of soundenvironment. Technological revue of sound environmen t..Journal of EnvironmentalConservation Engineering,29( 2 ) , 149-156.Takeuchi, K. ( 2006 ) . Hydrology uniting planetary environment and human environment.Proceedings of the Symposium on Global Environment,14, 307-307.Tisdell, C. A. ( 2005 ) .Economicss of environmental preservation( 2nd ed. ) . Cheltenham, UKEdward Elgar Pub..
Thursday, May 16, 2019
Safe State vs. Swing State
Ben Mason Eng. 1001 sect. 38 9/26/12 The voter turnout Playground Play it safe? Or swing? This is a concern that arises for presidential prospects every iv years as we approach presidential alternatives. First, thither argon two terms to be recognised safe state and swing state. In a safe state the presidential candidate of a particular society has the ample majority of support of that states voters, regularly, so that he/she can safely assume the complaisant outcome of the states electoral college votes. Some ell-known safe states are California for democrats, and Texas for republicans. On the contrary, there are states that are non like safe states and no single candidate or party has overwhelming support of the votes. These are called swing states or battleground states. Some typesetters cases of swing states of this election are Florida, Iowa, Colorado, and others. In the voting world, the president is decided through representative votes by the states. This is called t he electoral college. A presidential candidate needs 270 electoral votes to win the election. For 48 states, it is a inner-takes-all election which means that whichever candidate receives a majority of the frequent vote, or a plurality of the popular vote (less than 50 percent hardly more than any other candidate), takes all of the states electoral votes. Maine and Nebraska are the only states that use a proportional vote system. In these states, there could be a split of electoral votes among candidates. (Dugan) The electoral college plays a huge role on the topic of safe states and swing states by effecting the behaviors of presidential candidates. For instance, safe states that re known to vote a certain substance will not receive near as much attention or bell ringing as swing states during the times close to elections. This is why candidates counterbalance over swing states that may only have as infinitesimal as 4 electoral votes, instead of fighting for states with a lot more. (Dugan) An example of this would be Romney and Obama spending large amounts of m unmatchedy campaigning in a swing state such as Iowa with 7 electoral votes and very little in a safe state like California with 55 electoral votes. (Politico) Candidates do not put a lot of effort into afe states because it is unlikely that he/she can change the minds of the mint there. Also, one will not spend time and money campaigning in safe states because he/she may already have the support of the mass in those states. As you can see, the electoral college is key to apprehensiveness how safe states and swing states work. There is a kind of two party dictatorship in todays American politics and the vast majority of voters fall into these two categories or parties Republican or Democratic. Every election period there are two candidates unning for these parties. In order for the candidate to get the vote of a particular state he/she must run a campaign. The aggressiveness and frequency o f the campaigns big businessman divert due to the status of a partys influence over certain states. Sometimes the candidates have to modify there stance or ideals on certain issues to fit to that particular state. An example would be that some candidates may want to position themselves to appeal to a certain ethnic group of that area. Obama has tried to appeal to the Latino vote in Colorado due to the growing umber of Hispanic immigrants. (Larcinese) This may be a smart move because he is usually popular among minority groups. In return, Romney has tried to address people in rural areas. Recent polls show that he is 14 percent more popular with people in rural areas than Obama is. (Gruber) Also, issues that are a big concern in an area may be emphasized. Things like restoring the health of a declining ecosystem may be brought up in an area that is torture from deforestation or pollution to secure the votes of people concerned about that subject.Other factors play into campaignin g in swing states as well. Many times instead of stretching the truth, a candidate will simply neglect to bring up the matter, whatever it may be. The sensitive issues of a certain state might be avoided in order to sound better on a vague level. Slogans are do short and vague for this reason to get anyone to jump on the band wagon. Making the issues fit the political views of the people in a certain area or background is imperative to getting favorable votes. Candidates do whatever it takes to look good or appeal to people.This sometimes means mud-slinging or making the opposing candidate look bad. This has been going on since the beginning of presidential runoffs. A great example of this would be Romneys war on women as said by Obama because of Mitt Romneys stance on issues for women. This gives the allusion that Romney doesnt worry about womens health issues so that Obama would be favorable to women. (Politico) In return, Mitt Romney has attacked Obamas healthcare plan truism that Obama wont cover people with preexisting conditions. This is an ongoing thing that will never stop.There will invariably be differences in views that candidates will trash each other with. There are a vast array of ways to advertise to capture the hearts and minds of would-be voters. The key to it all is appealing to the people that have the most stake in the situation and convincing them to vote a certain way to decide the victor of the presidential race. As you can see, the role of swing states and safe state are crucial to how things are done and the way that American politics play out. Works Cited Larcinese, Valentino. Allocating the U. S. Federal calculate to the States. The Journal of Politics. Wiley Library. , 27 Apr 2006. Web. Vol. 68 May 2006 Gruber, Jonathan. Rural Favor and Polls Hastings Center Report. Wiley Library. , 8 Feb 2012. , Sep,Oct 2006 Politico. org. , News, Analysis, Candidates, and Polls. Real Clear Polls. Swing state view. , Sep 26 2012 archive. fai rvote. org/e_college. htm. , Maine and Nebraska. Center for voting and Democracy. , copyright 2002. , declivity 10 2009 Dugan, Andrew. Gallup. com/poll/swingstate. htm. , Swing State Voters. Washington D. C. , Race Track 2012 Sep 9 2012
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of diversity to a Coursework
Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of diversity to a multinational organisation, in a rapidly ever-changing world(a) market. Illustrate your answer with examples from business practice - Coursework Exampleresearch paper titled, The Effects of variety show on Business Performance Report of the smorgasbord Research Network, appears in the spring 2003 issue of military man Resource Management. After examining four Fortune 500 companies in depth, the researchers find that a variety of contextual variables, including an organizations culture, strategy and human resource practices, help to determine whether diversity boosts performance or drags it down. (Kwak & Gwynne, 2003, p.1). Diversity in multinational organizations is a sensitive issue and thus needs to be handled expeditiously through proper training of the workforce. Before adapting diversity in its system, every organization should understand the advantages and disadvantages of the same.Diversity in organization mainly o ccurs when people from different countries work together for that entity. Individuals have their own run for and custom habits. Diversity can only be promoted in an organization if there are no clashing interests among different groups in the organization. When people from different culture work together then the organizations exists between different classes of society and thus assumes a global outlook. The organization can attain a global perspective when people from diverse regions and backgrounds work together. The organization becomes globally known when it adopts a diverse attitude. IBM is a very good example of a order which practices diversity in its organization. Because of its diverse operations the lodge is known world wide and has become a household name in all those countries. This gives the company a positive image. The talent pool that IBM has created over the years through its diverse venture is a proof of development due to diversity. The adoption of diversity in IBM has led to the minimizing racial and cultural differences and in addition in enhancing the companys global image.Diversity in an organization increases its performance because the workforce universe combination of
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
Is the future of the EMU threatened by recent events Discuss Essay
Is the future of the emu threatened by new events Discuss - Essay ExampleWorld War the legal, economic and semipolitical framework of the EU is grow in the Franco-German tradition, which has lent itself to EU tensions with the political agendas of certain other member states such as Britain (Lippert, 2001, p.114).This integral conflict at the heart of the European Monetary pith (EMU) has been further underlined by the recent European Union and International Monetary Funds Irish and Greek bailout. Additionally, some analytical forecasts advert that Spain and Portugal bailouts are on the horizon, which not only questions the future of the Euro but also brings renewed attention to the broad term sustainability of the EMU. The fragmentation of the single monetary union and the EU agenda with national political agendas has bring forth increasingly prominent in relation to the EU enlargement programme (Lahav, 2004, p.113). Indeed, Artis & Nixon suggest that the EUs economic object ives in the last decade have reached crisis (Artis & Nixon, 2007, p.1).They further argue that the EU relies on co-ordination and common co-operation of states and that the enlargement of the EU and free movement has led to many member states opting out, derogating or suspending certain obligations to continue national political agendas (2007). With regard to the latter, the continuation of the sensitivity over Turkey and reality of corruption and political agenda in EU friendly Ukraine clearly fuels the debate as to how far national objectives give the sack successfully operate in conjunction with EU economic policy (Wesley Scott, 2006, p.99).As such, Artis and Nixon argue that the get-go of the Union and mutual objectives are becoming secondary to national political interests, which in turn risks negating the Unions objectives of a monetary union (2007). The focus of this paper is to critically evaluate the extent to which the EMU is threatened by recent events and it is submi tted that a central consideration in this issue is the extent to which the capability of
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